Dr. Chadi Nabhan, relying on many years of experience as a lymphoma and CLL doctor, acknowledges the invaluable role care partners play for their loved ones living with chronic lymphocytic leukemia or small lymphocytic lymphoma (CLL / SLL).
His book, The Cancer Journey: Understanding Diagnosis, Treatment, Recovery, and Prevention, outlines all the stops on the cancer journey through clear explanations and memorable patient stories. In it, he dedicates an entire chapter to caring for the caregiver, also known as care partners. Whatever you call them, they are the often overlooked yet vital supporters who can influence the success of the CLL journey.
The burden faced by care partners is substantial, and research has highlighted the toll it can take. One example from the pandemic was the shared isolation and fear experienced by care partners alongside the patients they support. And since they are not the ones directly fighting cancer or going through treatment, they often feel guilty when expressing their own struggles or asking for help. Since CLL is a long-term, chronic journey marked by both painful and joyful moments, care partners find themselves as constant, steadfast companions to their loved ones on the emotional rollercoaster ride. In the in between times when they can catch their breath, it is not unusual for no one to ask how they are doing, as their role is often seen as simply along for the ride. As a result, many care partners experience depression, compassion fatigue, and burnout. Dr. Nabhan aims to change that dynamic and offers practical tips in his book on possible remedies.
Please enjoy CLL Society’s interview with Dr. Chadi Nabhan:
You can read more on the topic of caring for the care partner in Dr. Nabhan’s book, The Cancer Journey: Understanding Diagnosis, Treatment, Recovery, and Prevention.
CLL Society offers multiple resources to support care partners. Explore our CLL / SLL Care Partners webpage to learn more.