CAR-T therapy is still considered experimental in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. But it has been approved as a life-saving option in other blood cancers for patients who are running out of options.
To learn more information about how this revolutionary “living drug” works, the steps involved, insurance coverage, and eligibility, please read this short CAR-T infographic as well as other topics from the CAR-T Working Group.
Your interests as CLL patients are well represented by Bob Levis, a CLL and CAR-T patient and member of our Board of Directors, and myself. I am now three years post-CAR-T!
We are working to ensure that CAR-T therapy is approved for CLL and paid for in the not-too-distant future, then moved up as an earlier line of therapy.
Right now, it can be accessed through clinical trials at many locations throughout the US.
Stay strong. We are all in this together.
Brian Koffman MDCM (retired) MS Ed
Co-Founder, Executive VP and Chief Medical Officer
CLL Society, Inc.