Well the first night that I didn’t drench my night clothes and was able to sleep after icing down my knees, I was awakened at 3:40 AM in our hotel by the fire alarm and soon was out in the drizzly Seattle night, freezing in my PJs and a raincoat. At least I could walk and get down the stairs on my own power. No elevators when the fire alarm is active. At least it wasn’t pouring rain. My wife and daughter and I huddled together for warm in a covered bus shelter across from the hotel.
It was all over in 20 minutes and I was soon back in bed. The rowdy drunks down the hall from us that caused the false alarm were kicked out.
Hopefully tonight will bring no new drama.
Despite the interrupted sleep, I did more walking today alternating with my daughter pushing me in a wheelchair when my achy knees were telling me enough. Did 3,788 steps today. A week ago I took 8 steps in 24 hours and I think that might be an overestimate. Now I am stretching and strengthening my legs.
My gut is pretty much back to normal, my energy is improving, and I am hoping my thermal dysregulation is continuing to calm down, though I sorta miss some of those weird mystical places I visited when I was febrile or in rigors.
It’s all getting better.