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How does the new BTKi LOXO-305 compare so far in clinical trials vs. the present approved BTKis in terms of side effects?

This content was current as of the date it was released. In science and medicine, information is constantly changing and may become out-of-date as new data emerge.

Ask the Doctor Question:

How does the new BTKi Loxo-305 compare so far in clinical trials vs. the present approved BTKis in terms of side effects?

Answer: We covered the oral presentation given at ASH 2020 where Dr. Anthony Mato discussed LOXO-305 and some of the side effect profiles were mentioned. You can read about that here on our website. Essentially, fatigue, diarrhea, and bruising were the only side effects above 10%, and less than 1% had atrial fibrillation. Stay tuned to our website, as we would expect there to be more discussion around LOXO-305 at ASH 2021 which is taking place in three weeks.