Ask the Doctor Question:
I originally got the Pfizer back in January/February 2021. I have read recently, however, that the Moderna vaccine is somewhat more protective. Should I try to get this as my booster?
Answer: Moderna has approximately three-times (3x) the dose of MRNA as Pfizer, so that’s why you are hearing that it is more effective. You may have recently seen in the news that the FDA/CDC are not quite yet sure that you should receive a booster of Moderna. You need to get boosted as soon as possible. So again, we would advise you to consider going out and getting the Pfizer booster in accordance with the recommended guidelines. Right now, we can only suggest following the CDC guidelines which recommend getting the same booster brand as you had for the first two shots, unless for some reason it is not available to you.
That being said, we know the science with COVID is ever changing as we learn more through ongoing research. So, the recommendations could change in the future. As always, speak with your CLL specialist to see what they recommend.