In light of the FDA’s announcements regarding the discontinuation of Emergency Use Authorization for both Evusheld and Bebtelovimab, CLL Society and eight other patient advocacy organizations sent a letter to federal officials requesting them to immediately undertake thirteen specific actions that would help protect the estimated seven million Americans who are immunocompromised against COVID-19.
You can read the letter in its entirety here.
The letter was sent not only to the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS), but also to the Administrator at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the Director of External Affairs at HHS, as well as the point person on equity for the White House’s COVID-19 Task Force.
While not all of the daily policy and patient advocacy work being done behind the scenes by our team is featured each week, please know that CLL Society remains extremely dedicated to advocating for the ongoing needs of those with CLL / SLL within our community.