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The World’s Leading Authority for Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Patients

Tim Landry’s Journey with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia: Ten Treatments and Counting

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Tim Landry is enjoying retirement after a long and successful career working in special effects on television shows, commercials, movies, and theme parks, even winning an Emmy Award in 1995. And for over a decade, he has been living with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL).

When Tim started to feel ill, the exact cause was unknown for a long time. It wasn’t until he presented with enlarged lymph nodes that he was referred to an oncologist who diagnosed him with CLL. While this disease remains uncured, many individuals with CLL will live an average lifespan. However, over time, most individuals will have to undergo multiple treatments to control their CLL. This is true in Tim’s case, where he has had ten different treatments thus far for his CLL.

Tim’s treatment journey began before any of the targeted therapies that save lives today were developed. Initially, he was treated with chemotherapy, the standard of care at the time. Since then, Tim has benefited from the development of new therapies that are helping patients live longer. These new treatments are only available today because of clinical trials. Tim is a big advocate for participating in clinical trials because, without them, treatment breakthroughs to improve options for patients are not possible. Of Tim’s ten treatments, only two were available when he first entered his treatment journey. CLL Society believes that one day, clinical trials will bring a cure for CLL to patients.

As important as treating the cancer, it is also critical for patients, care partners, and loved ones to find mental and emotional health support. CLL is a chronic condition that individuals live with for a long time and can become a persistent source of stress. For care partners, it can be unimaginably challenging to watch their loved one go through cancer, as Tim’s wife, Mauriene, knows all too well. What gets Tim and Mauriene through each day is leaning on their faith, trusting in a greater spiritual power, and sharing this hope with others.

The encouraging news is that treatment developments keep improving in CLL. Tim’s advice for fellow individuals living with CLL is to learn about your options and find a support community to walk with you on your journey.

Tim’s heartfelt story with CLL was featured on Medical Stories, an Emmy award-winning docuseries. Tim’s doctor, CLL expert Dr. Tanya Siddiqi, is featured in his video. We invite you to watch Tim’s video and learn more about his story.

If you are a patient or care partner impacted by chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) or small lymphocytic lymphoma (SLL) and are looking for a support community, CLL Society has a network of support groups waiting to welcome you. Join a support group today.

Through providing patient and care partner education and support, funding CLL-specific scientific research, and advocating for patients’ best interests on policy matters, CLL Society is committed to improving the lives of those impacted by CLL / SLL. None of this is possible without the generous support of individuals like you. Join us by making a donation today.