We are thrilled to invite you all to join Dr. Laura Rassenti, Director of the Tissue Core/CLL Research Consortium (CRC), for lunch and a tour of the Research Consortium Lab on Wednesday, February 5, 11:30am. If you have not been on this tour previously, it’s something you don’t want to miss. The CRC is a multi-institutional program that collects & stores blood specimens from CLL patients from 6 national acclaimed medical centers and allows for interactive research to study the biological basis of CLL.
When: Feb 5, 11:30 AM (Not our regular time). Lunch will be served at 11:30am, followed by the tour
What : CLL Society Lunch & Tour of the Tissue Core of the CLL Research Consortium Lab
Where : 9310 Athena Circle, La Jolla, CA (NOTE: THIS IS NOT AT MOORES)
Directions & Parking: Take Regents Road to Athena Way. At the “T” and stop sign on Athena Way, turn left to put yourself on Athena Circle. Follow Athena Circle around to the right and enter the FIRST parking lot driveway on the right. You may park for free in any space marked UCSD. Do NOT park in spaces without the UCSD on them. If there are no UCSD spaces available, there will be stickers for your car available at the front desk.
The address, 9310 Athena Circle, is on the building directly in front of the parking lot. Go in the main entrance. We will meet for lunch at 11:30am in the La Jolla Shores Conference Room on the first floor.
Dr. Rassenti will make a short presentation to us before we start the tour. And Dr. Kipps may stop by to say hello.
Please RSVP by Wednesday, January 29, to Donna Hirt, at the following email address:
We look forward to seeing you all there.