There’s not much to report because I essentially napped all day.
I spent most of my day today off steroids, crawling in and out of bed to sleep. The best term to describe my status was that I crashed. Coming off steroids does that to me. And many others.
Though I was up for an hour here and there during the day for meetings and work, I didn’t really get up to stay until 7 p.m. when I pushed myself to take a garden walk before dark.
Hopefully, my diurnal rhythm will get back in line tomorrow, at least until I get the steroid kick again in 3 days. OUCH!
There’s lots of work and overdue self-care on tap for tomorrow.
It’s all worth it for the results I anticipate in my epcoritamab trial for my relapsing chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL).
Stay strong. We are all in this together.
Brian Koffman MDCM (retired) MS Ed
2 Responses
Hope you are having a better day today, Brian! And we hope this trial works! Courage! We really are all in this together!
grateful to be able to follow along on your journey. rooting for you every day!